The parents and guardians are requested to read and observe the following points in order to extend full co-operation and assistance to the authority for smooth functioning of the institution.

  • Students arrival time :

Morning shift : 7.10 a.m.

Day Shift : 12.30 p.m.

  • The gate will be closed at 7.15 a.m. for morning shift students and 12.35 for day shift students. The late comers will not be allowed to enter into the institution after the arrival time.

  • BMSC has its own uniform for the students and wearing uniform is compulsory for the students.

  • Students are required to submit application to the principal duty counter signed by their parents/guardians for each absence. Absence due to sickness must be supported by certificate of a qualified doctor.

  • Tk. 100/- will be fined for each unauthorized absence and Tk. 500 will be fined for consecutive three days absence. Admission will be cancelled for consecutive seven days absence and re-admission will be required.

  • Parents/guardians are requested to ensure 100% attendance of their children. There should be 90% attendance for the students to sit for the examination.

  • The School/College diary must be checked and signed by parents regularly.

  • The schedule of class tests and others programs will be given in the particular place of the School/College diary and parents shall check and sign it regularly.

  • Parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss matters relating progress of their son/daughter with class/subject teacher. But an appointment should be made with the concern teachers earlier and they should meet the teacher when the classes are over.

  • We want that all students, teachers, parents, and staff will feel happy and proud to be the part of BIAM Model School & College. If there is any doubt, it has to be discussed with the respective class/subject teacher first. They are always welcome to talk to the principal if needed.

  • Students are not allowed to carry any electric equipment, i.e. mobile phone, MP3, etc. Students are not allowed to wear any ornaments.

  • Parents/guardians are requested to encourage their children to speak in English.

  • Parents/guardians should pick up their children sharp after the classes are over.

  • Parents/guardians are welcome to the Principal’s office but early appointment through phone is required. They are requested to contact the PA of principal for such appointment. Direct entry to the principal’s office is discouraged.

  • The smooth functioning and overall development of the institution depends on the co-operation and good relations of the students, teachers, the parents & the management of the institution.


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Education Board

শিক্ষক বাতায়ন


Our Address


63, New Eskaton, Dhaka-1217